Sunday 25 November 2018

Atomic loose ends need tightening post-Brexit agreement

In mid-morning today, after a record short forty four minute-long European Council of heads of EU Governments, excluding Theresa May, the 27 politicians, plus Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, respective presidents of the European Commission and European Council, agreed to sign off the agreement  enabling the UK exit from the European Union, after 45  years of tendentious membership. President Tusk told a press conference immediately afterwards:  

"Today, the European Council endorsed the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. On this basis, the European Council invited the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to take the necessary steps to ensure that the agreement can enter into force on 30th March 2019, so as to provide for an orderly withdrawal.”( Press Statement; 25 November 2018;


While much political attention has been directed towards what the associated – but nonbinding-  “Political Agreement” between the European union and the UK on future fisheries and agricultural policy arrangements, hardly any attention has been given to how nuclear relations will work, if at all, post-Brexit. Here is the full text on this atomic aspiration issue, and related security co-operation concerns.

Theresa May gives a press conference in Brussels.







A. Electricity and Gas


1.          The Parties should cooperate to support the delivery of cost efficient, clean and secure supplies of electricity and gas, based on competitive markets and non-discriminatory access to networks.


2.          The Parties should establish a framework to facilitate technical cooperation between electricity and gas networks operators and organisations, such as the European Networks of Transmission System Operators for Electricity and Gas, in the planning and use of energy infrastructure connecting their systems. The framework should also include mechanisms to ensure as far as possible security of supply and efficient trade over interconnectors over different timeframes.


B. Civil Nuclear


3.          Recognising the importance of nuclear safety and non-proliferation, the future relationship should include a wide-ranging Nuclear Cooperation Agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the United Kingdom on peaceful uses of nuclear energy, underpinned by commitments to their existing high standards of nuclear safety. The agreement should enable cooperation between EURATOM and the United Kingdom and its national authorities. This should include exchange of information in areas of mutual interest such as safeguards, safety and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It should facilitate trade in nuclear materials and equipment, and provide for the participation of the United Kingdom as a third country in Union systems for monitoring and exchanging information on levels of radioactivity in the environment, namely the European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange and the European Radiological Data Exchange Platform.


4.          The Parties note the United Kingdom's intention to be associated with the EURATOM research and training programmes as provided for in Section II of Part I.


5.          The Parties note that the EURATOM Supply Agency intends to reassess in a timely manner the authorisations and approvals of contracts for the supply of nuclear material between Union and United Kingdom undertakings which it has co-signed.


6.          The Parties will also cooperate through the exchange of information on the supply of medical radioisotopes.





80.       With a view to Europe's security and the safety of their respective citizens, the Parties should establish a broad, comprehensive and balanced security partnership. This partnership will take into account geographic proximity and evolving threats, including serious international crime, terrorism, cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns, hybrid-threats, the erosion of the rules-based international order and the resurgence of state-based threats. The partnership will respect the sovereignty of the United Kingdom and the autonomy of the Union.


81.       The Parties will promote global security, prosperity and effective multilateralism, underpinned by their shared principles, values and interests. The security partnership should comprise law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, foreign policy, security and defence, as well as thematic cooperation in areas of common interest.


(Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration on the future relationship between the UK and the EU as endorsed by leaders at a special meeting of the European Council on 25 November 2018.



And here are the minutes of the first European Commission meeting afte the UK acceded to the European Economic Community in January 1972.






Premiere séance: lundi 10 janvier 1972 (apres-midi)

Demande D’ahesin de la Grande-Bretagne, du Danemark, de l’Irelande et de la Norvege


Preparation des Conferences ministerielles avec 1cIrlande at

la Sentrego c et de la sossion du Conseil (Bruxelles,, 10 janvier 1972)

M, WELLKISTEIN, Chef de la delegation de la Commission pour les

negociations sur 1*elargissement'7 U0 1ШЮR„ Directeur tžćnćral

de l'agriculture,, Mo OLMI, Conseiller principal au Serviec Juridique,

Mo von VsSSOHtIHHj Directeur a la Direction Generale do 1eAgrioulturoe

Ho LЕШВ Administrateur principal au cabinet dR M0 ΓΕΠΛϋ,, Mo KHSIZLER,,

Administrateur principal au čabinot de H0 MHHESDSWc et M0 ЮШЛШ?9 Maini-

Btratour prinoipal u la Direction GeneralR do 1RAgriculture,, assistent 4

la seanceo

La Commission procedo a la preparation des Conferences ministerielIsa

avec 1'Irlande et avec la iiorvego qui e≫ tiendront dans l'apres-midi et la

soiree dR ee lundi 10 janvier 19Ī2 (avec la possibilite d'une saanoc de

nuit)„ ainsi que dc la session du Conseil,, prevue en marge des Conferences



La Commission czeminR plus particuliercaant los points suivants i

åo mmaiAfxoiis avec l'ihlaìsdb ΐ'ί-πτ-ηιηΐι・・ι humu i ai mu < . .m ‘ пт. лчллтт y

1 .

1 o Suos1©

La Commission noto quR la dera end e irlandaisR de quotas dR producties

garantis par 1≪ FIOCA ne pourra Stra satisfaitR quc dens unc rassure limitec0

Va niveau trop eleve dc tais quotas affreterait, cn effet„ oubstaretiellemont

eoo/o e o C0M(Y2) PV 191, 2e partic , final

00*0007 ООИ(72) M 191, 2® sartie » final

(eeanoR du 10 janvier 1972)

no≫ seulement les meoanisraos da la politique agricole ceammno dians 1c

seotour du sucre,, mais egalement les accords realises avec las autres

pays ceadidats, tant en oe qui concento la production interieurR dans

la Communaute elargis qua les mecanismes prevus h I eagard des pays en voie da

developpement du Commonwealth producteurs de sucreĐ

LR Cosasi seien s'efforcera dans la Consoli ct dans les Conferon-ceo

ministeriellos de favoriser une foruule dR compromis tenant compte le mieux

possitia dR8 imperatifs rappeles oi-dassuso

2o Regime douanier pour 1 °industrie automobila

La Commission ocaaidere que la demande irlandaise & cR sujet n8est

pas susceptible d66tro accueillic favorablement par la CommunauteG

3o Legislation veterinaire

La Commi soie≫ est informeR dos daraior03 discussions qui cnt eu

lieu au niveau dos odjoints daas la matineR dR cR lundi, 10 janvier 19'f20

Different, ss oonaeosione limitees pourront St. ra faltos № faveur da 1 ° irl endo 0

mais il apparait exclu qu°u≫ accord puisse aboutir si la demanda irlandaisc

n8est pas sensiblement assoupHoo

b0 виккнАтасвз ашз m ттяв

Lo - Mo le Presidant informo la Cornai в s ion de la rencontre quR й0 ШШД

et lui-raSme ont eus,, e le daaonde de cclui~ci? la vondradi J janvier 1972,

avec M0 ВИШШ;,, Promi≪r MinistrR da HorvogaB qui a remis δ la Commission

1R projet đ°un protocols sur Is p8ehoe propose par 1R gouvernement nervegieso

fio le President η°εν pas oaohe ă Mo BSAIISLLI qu°il estimait qu^ua accord

n°etoit pas possible sur uno tollR baae0

2o Mo DSETIAU et M0 Ш&1*2!!1НГ13Ш oeissuniquent & la ComraiSBion loe

derniers elements d°information ct d8appreciaiios disponibles sur oR dossiero

./ OOO/ O C O COK(72) ЯГ 191≫ 2R partic * final

0ΘΟΟΟ8 СШ(Т2) P? 191 ≫ 2e partio, final

(seance du 10 janvier 1972)

A 19issue d°im echange de vues nur oetto quest i cm.p ia Commission

deoidR do poursuivre dane lo Conseil ot dans la Conference ministerielle oos

efforts pour aboutir & une conclusion de la negociation sur Jabaao des ≪oamtaticmi

anterieures retenues par la Corcsmnaute8 tout en faisant me mention erpresse

de la situation partioulier da la OEorvegR0



La Commission prend noto do ce que le projet d'avis qu'elle doit

remettre au Conseil au titre do l'article 23T CES„ de maniere & permettre

au Conseil de se prononoor sur Xa conclusion des negociations^ est actuellement

prepare sous son autorite0 XI devra Otre adopte par la Commission on

temps utile,, avant la decision du Conseil autorisant la signature du Sraite

d'adhesion,, session que le Conseil tiendra dans la matinee du samedi 22

janvier I972o

A oette ocoasionj la Commission est informec par H0 DHIAU de ce

quoil n'a pas ete possible d'obtenir l'accord de l'ensemble des delegations

pour qu'une declaration sur la primaute du droit communautaire soit faite

par la delegation ds la Communaute dans la Conference (cf0 doo0 COM(Ţl)

FV 1599 2o partie,, § XX„ 5) (doc0 SEG(Ţ2) 8)0

COM(72) P? 191 j 2e partie , final 0/ O <

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